Viewing Jupiter’s Moons. Identifying And What To Expect

Are you observing Jupiter’s moons or aiming to, and are wondering which moon is which? Here I explain how to identify Jupiter’s moons and some other helpful info about what to expect and what to look for when viewing these standouts. Jupiter’s satellites how many? Jupiter’s satellites number 79. But, most are too faint for … Read more

Using Sky Coordinate Systems: Horizontal Vs Equatorial

What coordinate system is used in astronomy? How do you decipher these celestial points to locate an object with your telescope? What do all these different terms mean? It can be confusing when you’re starting out. Here I look at what you need to know about sky coordinate systems, what they mean, and how to … Read more

Angular Distance In The Sky And Using Your Hand To Measure It

Using angular distance to pinpoint an object in the night sky can mean zilch when you’re a newbie. The units mightn’t make sense. As a backyard astronomer the following handy guide is all about acquainting yourself and making it simple to understand… …rather than use an app or astronomy book… you can use your hand … Read more

Tips For Observing Planets In The City And On Urban Astronomy

Did you know planets are bright enough for night sky city viewing? And, observing planets through a telescope won’t be much different in the city from that at a dark rural location. Here’s how to see stars in the city (as well as planets). It includes steps and tips for urban astronomy — how to … Read more

Telescope Storage Ideas to Avoid

If you’re looking to buy or already have one, you might be wondering ‘Where should I store my telescope?’ Here I cover storage ins and outs, what to avoid, and the best options to consider when looking to store your telescope tube and optics. Where should you store your telescope? It’s best to store your … Read more