A Guide to Solving Your Telescope Focus Problem

Get Better Planet Views

If you’re frustrated with the focus when looking through your telescope or with the quality of your views, the following may help. It’s a 15-question test to help you identify and solve a number of possible viewing problems you may be encountering. To troubleshoot issues with focus through a telescope, you can perform a 15-question test. 15 reasons you’re not getting the best possible views of planets with your telescope If you think you’re not getting the best view of planets through your telescope, ask yourself… Read on for … Read more

26 Interesting Facts About Venus

Venus low in the sky, Venus can be seen with the naked eye but what does it look like through a telescope

There are so many interesting facts about Venus that I thought I’d put together a list of 26 to share with you. So, whether you’re a backyard enthusiast of space or just curious about our neighboring planet, keep reading to learn some cool and surprising facts about Venus! When you look through your telescope at … Read more

Can I see Mercury Through a Telescope?

Where To See Mercury (360 X 280 Px)

Is Mercury visible through my telescope? What can I see of Mercury? It is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to our Sun. Here’s what to know about seeing Mercury through a telescope, binoculars, or with the naked-eye. When is Mercury visible? What does Mercury look like through a telescope? To … Read more

How to Identify Jupiter’s Moons

How To Know Jupiters Moons (360 X 280 Px)

Are you observing Jupiter’s moons or aiming to, and are wondering which moon is which? Here I explain how to identify Jupiter’s moons and some other helpful info about what to expect and what to look for when viewing these standouts. Jupiter’s satellites how many? Jupiter’s satellites number 79. But, most are too faint for … Read more

Saturn through telescope: How to see Its Rings and Moons

The Unilluminated Side Of Saturn

Looking for an opportunity to get a good look at Saturn’s rings through a backyard view? What about just a good set of astronomy binoculars? There are certain times you are more likely to get a better view than others. Let’s investigate…how to see Saturn. Can you see Saturn’s ring with binoculars or must you … Read more