The Rabbit and Other Observing The Moon Things To Know

Best Moon Features To See (360 X 280 Px)

There are a ton of Moon features to keep you occupied for hours! Looking from latitudes south of the equator there’s no ‘man in the moon’, but rather a ‘rabbit’. I cover that and a bunch of other lunar features that might keep you intrigued when observing the Moon. You might not realize that you’d … Read more

Rare Moon Events: Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Bloodmoon 31 Jan2018 1 (2)

The Moon is our one an only natural satellite. Rare astronomical events that include lunar eclipses and phenomena such as Blue Moon, Blood Moon and Super Moon spark wide interest. What do these terms really mean? Let’s have a look. What is the rarest Moon event? The rarest Moon event in modern times was a … Read more

The Best Time for Stargazing: Moon Phases and Seasons

Lots Of Bright Stars, Seen At The Best Time For Stargazing

If you’re a beginner backyard astronomer, whether you’re into stargazing by the campfire or looking at the moon and planets through your telescope, at some point, you’re bound to want to pinpoint the best time for stargazing for a group or individual experience. Here’s what to know… Why is this important? When it comes to … Read more