
The star at the center of our Solar System is the Sun. The surface temperature of the Sun is 5,800º Kelvin (10,000º F), while the temperature at its center is 15,000,000º Kelvin (over 2,585x that of the surface). The Sun’s diameter is 865,000 miles (1,392,000 km), which is about 109x that of Earth and its rotational time is 25.4 days.

The closest star neighbors to our Sun are blue giants and super giants. The Sun is positioned on the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.



Escape velocity (from the surface)‎: ‎617.7 km/s (approx 1,381,756 mph)
Surface area‎: 2,351,362,145,828.5 square miles (2.3513621×1012 sq mi) or 6,090,000,000,000 km2 ‎(6.09×1012 km2); which is 12,000 × Earth.
Composition: hydrogen‎ ‎73.46% and helium.

What type of star is our Sun?

Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star, which is a ball of hot glowing gases. The spectral type of our Sun is G2V.

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