Apochromatic vs Achromatic Refractors Explained

Achromatic Vs Apochromatic Refractors

If you’re new to astronomy, you might be wondering about the difference between apochromatic and achromatic refractors. Don’t worry. The lingo about ‘APO’ and then doublet vs triplet confused me too. What did it all mean? So I did some research and put this together. Achromatic refractors are generally more affordable and for that reason … Read more

Astigmatism in Refractor Telescopes: Causes and Solutions

Astigmatism In Refractor

The image you’re seeing through your refractor is not the best. Could it be due to a minor aberration such as astigmatism? When we look through a telescope, we want the image to be clear and sharp. Astigmatism is a type of off-axis aberration that interferes with this. Astigmatism in refractor telescopes and its effect … Read more